Club Boats

The Club owns a number of boats which members may use. The aim is primarily to enable novice members to continue sailing once they have reached a reasonable level of competence until they acquire their own boat or team up as a crew. Use of club boats is free on training days. On other days there is a suggested donation that is intended to simply contribute to the cost of routine maintenance.

Club boats may only be used by sailing members who have completed and signed the form below, copies of which are located on the notice board in the club entrance hall and in the Race Officers' Handbook. Boats cannot be booked in advance, and are on a first come, first served basis.

Policy and Booking Form


Small 1 person dinghy, ideal for older children and adults of all abilities, but particularly for the less experienced. There are four available and the suggested donation is £5.

RS Fusion/Quba

1 or 2 person, 1 or 2 sail dinghy. These will comfortably fit 2 adults and are ideal for beginners and intermediate sailors. The RS Fusion is essentially a newer version of the RS Quba, they are very similar to sail. The Club has both types, with four available. The suggested donation is £10.

RS Vision

3 sail dinghy that needs 2 people to sail. This dinghy will comfortably fit 3 adults or a family of 2 adults and 2 children. There is one available to hire, the suggested donation is £15. Please note that these take longer to rig than the smaller dingies.